Modern solution to lost teeth, dental implants Brentwood

Modern life places huge demands on us and we sometimes find ourselves not taking the proper care of ourselves that we should. Losing a tooth can be the result of poor oral hygiene or an accident. If it’s a front tooth then that can cause you to feel very self conscious, and if it’s a back tooth then it can cause you eating difficulties. At Coptfold Dental we are all too aware of the pressures of life in the twenty-first century. As a dynamic modern practice we utilise technology as much as possible to help you take care of your teeth and gums. Mobile phones help you go about your daily life and we have harnessed this technology to help you to include your oral healthcare. We have the facility to accept a selfie or video of your mouth so that we can view your oral condition and have a virtual consultation with you at a time that is convenient to you. If you have lost teeth over a period of time we can advise you of the benefits of having dental implants Brentwood, to give you a permanent cosmetically enhancing replacement.


Stable, permanent and comfortable

Losing teeth can be the start of further loss, especially if you do not act after the loss of the first one. Your teeth are living organs and when one is lost, your body automatically reacts. Your body will stop sending nutrients to the place in your gum where the tooth was located which has the effect of causing deterioration of your jawbone. Your other teeth in that area start to move slowly to try and fill the open space. Your face also appears to look hollow and sunken in that area. The reaction to your lost tooth is gradual, making you slow to react. Dental implants Brentwood helps to arrest these various reactions by your body because the treatment mimics how your original teeth work. The procedure stabilises your body’s reaction and slowly starts to reverse the effects of your tooth loss. Unlike dentures or bridge implants provide a permanent modern solution.

A lifetime’s work

Oral hygiene is part of your daily routine for the duration of your life because your mouth is the portal to your body. Our team provides all the services that you will need to support your regular oral hygiene maintenance plan. We don’t want our patients to lose their teeth but if they do, we are here to provide that personal backup and support.

Giving you a lifeline

Losing teeth does not only inhibit your ability to chew your food properly or eat the foods that you could before you lost your tooth, it also affects your self esteem. The sooner you act the earlier we can restore your ability to chew and to smile broadly and confidently. We have helped many patients by replacing lost teeth using dental implants Brentwood.

Technology a fantastic aid

Using the latest technology we are able to precisely locate where your replacement tooth should be placed to provide you with the optimal bite. Using computer aided technology we will drill a small hole into your jawbone and insert a titanium post to act as the root. We use titanium because the material naturally fuses with your jawbone creating that stable firm base that is necessary to support your new tooth. After a period of healing we will insert an abutment and your new perfectly shaped and coloured new crown which matches your natural teeth. If you need more than one tooth replaced in a row, we can place as many as four on one implant. If you require your entire mouthful of teeth to be replaced our team can support a full set of new teeth on just four implants.

Eating and smiling naturally

Your friends and family will be able to enjoy your new confident natural looking smile and you will be able to enjoy eating the foods that you used to eat before you lost your teeth.