What you need to know as a new patient at a dentist in Brentwood

We hope that you are not one of the growing numbers of patients in the UK who are not registered with a dental practice, as this could mean that you may be living with a substandard level of oral hygiene and suffering from dental health issues you are unaware of. If you are not registered with a dental clinic, then now may be the time to do so, as this will enable you to access all the advice and help you may require with your oral health needs.


One reason you may not be registered with a dentist in Brentwood is that you have just relocated and have not yet had the chance to seek out a new dental practice. This is common as we tend to prioritise other matters such as finding a doctor or schools for children over finding people to help us with our oral health. However, we would ask you to not delay too long as this could lead you into a desperate situation that requires emergency treatment.

Here at Coptfold Dental, you will find that we are a team of highly trained professionals who are welcoming and approachable. We will always seek to make our patients feel comfortable, take the time to find out who they really are and listen to their concerns about their oral health and hygiene.

Your first check-up

Once you have registered with our dentist in Brentwood, you will be invited to attend an appointment to undergo your first oral health checkup as well as be introduced to our team at the practice. We usually advise patients to set aside 30 to 40 minutes for this initial appointment, as we need to perform several tasks during this time.

Of course, we will thoroughly examine your teeth, gums, and mouth, as this will allow us to gain a full understanding of your oral health needs and identify any issues that may need addressing with treatment or preventive measures. We may also ask you to allow us to carry out a screening procedure for oral cancer; you should not be overly concerned by this as this is done mainly as a precaution.

This initial appointment also allows us to start a conversation with you about your concerns and hopes when it comes to your oral health and hygiene. It may also be a good time for you to raise any concerns you may have and ask any questions that may come to mind. Keep in mind that we can only do our best by working in cooperation with you; you must ask questions and voice your opinions if you are to get the most out of your dental care.

Become registered today

If you are not registered with a dentist in Brentwood, then there is no time like now to make the change; you can contact our clinic today to begin the registration process and start accessing the dental treatment you need.

Personal private dentistry in central Brentwood, offering solutions for missing teeth, uneven smiles.